Our Mission

EPMG is dedicated to providing efficient, high quality, compassionate care to all our patients.


EPMG leads the profession of emergency medicine. We operate at the center of integrated healthcare delivery. Our patients, clinicians, and clients benefit from our compassionate care and enjoy a trusted partnership with us. Fairness drives our decision making. EPMG develops leaders, fosters collegial relationships, embraces innovation, and values individual contributions. We promote local and corporate citizenship and recognize those who advance our vision.


Compassion – The care that we give to all our patients and each other.

Partnership – Our trusted relationship with our patients, clients, and each other.

Fairness – Used in our decision-making and in our interactions at every level within our organization.

Quality – Strive to be the very best and set the highest standards for ourselves every day at the bedside and within every department at Green Road.

Innovation – Continually strive for new ways to improve what we are doing to lead the profession of emergency medicine.

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